Singing Guide: On the Avenue

Singing Guide: On the Avenue

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're interested in learning to sing like Bing Crosby and bring back the charm of the 1920s sound, look no further.

Bing Crosby was known for his smooth baritone voice and unique singing style. Here are some practical tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you master the Bing Crosby singing technique:

Vocal Technique

Bing Crosby's signature vocal technique was characterized by his phrasing, crooning, and his use of vibrato. Here are some tips on how to develop your singing style to resemble that of Bing Crosby.

Breathing and Vocal Warm-Up

Breathing exercises are the foundation of any good singing technique. They increase lung capacity and control, ensuring that your voice is supported when you're singing. Here is a farinelli breathing exercise that will help regulate your breath support, increase lung capacity and control.

Voice Registers and Vocal Break

One of Bing Crosby's unique characteristics was his ability to maneuver through the voice registers smoothly. This allowed him to change from his chest to his head voice without a vocal break. Check out this video tutorial for techniques on how to transition from chest voice to head voice smoothly.


Vibrato is a subtle and controlled wavering effect that adds a lot of interest and warmth to a singer's voice. You can learn how to sing with vibrato by taking a look into this article. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to sing with vibrato, as well as some exercises that you can try.

Bing Crosby's Songs

Bing Crosby's repertory of songs was extensive, but there were some that truly showcased his unique style. Some of the songs worth exploring include:

  • White Christmas- A holiday classic that demonstrates Crosby's smooth baritone vocals.
  • Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea- A track with syncopated vocals that is characteristic of Bing Crosby's unique singing style.
  • I'm Through With Love- A song that Bing Crosby recorded with Louis Armstrong, which has a lot of swing and shows off his vibrant upper register.

Singing Carrots Resources

Vocal Range Test

Check out the Vocal Range Test to determine where your natural singing range is.

Pitch Accuracy Test

The Pitch Accuracy Test is another helpful Singing Carrots resource. This test will help you improve your pitch accuracy while singing.

Vocal Pitch Monitor

The Vocal Pitch Monitor is a tool that allows you to visually monitor your pitch while you're singing. It's an excellent way to check your pitch accuracy and identify notes that need improvement.

Song Search

Use Song Search to find songs that will fit your style and vocal range.

Educational Singing Course

The Educational Singing Course offers 21 lessons to teach you the fundamentals of singing, including breathing and vocal warm-up exercises, vocal range, pitch accuracy, and performance techniques.

By following the above tips and utilizing the resources provided by Singing Carrots, you can enhance your singing and find your inner Bing Crosby. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.